- Publisher: iUniverse
- Edition: December 19, 2000 - 2nd Edition
- Available in: Paperback
- ISBN: ISBN-10: 0595160603, ISBN-13: 978-0595160600
Do you give too much? Is your life out of balance? The Doormat Syndrome helps you get off the merry-go-round of co-dependency and find your own Inner Wisdom. This book encourages you to break the cycle of learned helplessness and stand up and ask for what you want. Adults need to learn prosocial skills too. This book uses Virginia Satir’s concepts as a guide for the necessary communication skills to achieve positive self-esteem. The book is funny, irreverent and profound. Included are worksheets, visualization exercises and meditations to help you learn techniques for developing a relationship with your Higher Power, gain personal empowerment and enhance your interactions with others.
If you have ever given to the point of exhaustion, felt dumped on or ripped off, and puzzled to find yourself coming back for more; if you are involved with people who don’t appreciate you, if you equate love with doing for others, you may be experiencing The Doormat Syndrome. Are you…..a people pleaser? addicted to dysfunctional love relationships? preoccupied with meeting the needs of others? hooked into feeling good by pleasing someone else? blame yourself when things go wrong? feel your self sacrifices are not appreciated? have trouble accepting love? There is no fix like the fix of trying to fix someone who is perceived to be broken! That is the heavy part. Now for the lightness, cheer and happiness part. What has been learned can be unlearned!