Cool Thoughts and Cool Tools
Bully Behavior Curriculum Page 9
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D
Hot Thoughts are things we say to our self to keep us angry. Calling someone a name or saying a Put Down are Hot Thoughts.
Cold Thoughts help us cool down inside. Cold Thoughts are words and phrases that help take us away from anger. They turn down the heat that is felt inside. What do you say to yourself to let anger go?
Helper Words that are Cold Thoughts:
- That’s not worth getting upset about.
- I can let this one go.
- I can chill out.
- Oh, well, no big deal.
Our Helper Part can remind us about Cold Thoughts. Use your Helper Words to cool yourself off. Or cool down the situation!
Cool Tools are things that we do that help us work off the anger. Cool Tools involve talking or rigorous movement.
Cool Tools:
- Beating pillows
- Exercise
- Running
- Talking to a friend about bad feelings
How do you use Cold Thoughts and Cool Tools to let go of anger?
Where could you send your Hot Thoughts to cool them down? (Letting them slide down the bath tub drain after a bath. Sending them to the North Pole and having Santa’s elves turn them into toys, etc.)
Questions to Ask Yourself:
- Am I being people-friendly or people-hurtful right now?
- Is my thinking hot or cold?
- What Cool Tool could I use?
- Are my thoughts upsetting me?
Helper Words:
- I chill myself down. Cool talk helps me take care of myself.
- I use Cool Tools when I am upset. I am my own person.
- I don’t have to react to his teasing. I stop my sarcastic talk and Hot Thoughts.
- Mads come and mads go. I can let my anger go!