Old Tricks and New Tricks
Bully Behavior Curriculum Page 24
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D
Bullying Behavior
- Using physical aggression ranging from threatening gestures to physical blows.
- Verbal abuse such as name calling, cussing, blaming and criticizing.
- Cussing and name calling.
Victim Behavior
- Giving in.
- Staying and letting yourself be hurt.
- Withdrawing and walk away from the threatening event without coming back to deal with the problem.
- Becoming confused and space out.
- Not standing up for yourself but turning your anger on someone else.
- Numbing the anger and denying it.
New Tricks – Healthy Ways to Respond to Treat
- Shrugging the situation off and get away.
- Trying to understand why the person did what he did.
- Taking a time out to sort out feelings and possible solutions then returning to deal with the problem.
- Using movement or exercise to release the pent-up feelings.
- Working the anger out through exercise.
- Talking to someone else to sort out the meaning of the threat.
- Observing your own body reactions and thoughts.
- Laughing at the situation or at yourself.
- Taking direct action and attempting to problem solve the threatening event.
- Expressing feelings in a socially acceptable way.
- Setting limits what behavior of an abusive nature will not be allowed.
- Using the event to learn about yourself and the other person.
- See things differently so they do not seem so bad.