Putting Up the Magic Shield
Bully Behavior Curriculum Page 19
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D
Are you a Velcro kid who lets mean words and put downs stick to you?
Do you carry around hurts from other people’s negative energy?
You can put a shield of energy or force field around your body to protect yourself from ugly words. Visualize your shield made of gold, steel, iron or acrylic. Pretend you can feel the power of force field around you that is stronger than negative words from others. Inside your shield of energy, you can breathe deeply to keep negative energy out.
Necessary information can come inside the shield but not put downs and ugly words. The shield’s purpose is to deflect negative energy.
Close your eyes and imagine how safe you can make your force field shield of energy. When you are inside your shield ugly words can bounce off and not hurt you.
Let put downs and ugly words run off your shield like water runs off a duck’s back.
Remember, you don’t have wear Velcro on your body and grab other people’s negative stuff!
You can be a Teflon kid and let hurtful words slide off your back.
Helper Words To Keep Put Downs From Getting Stuck on You:
- I put up my shield when others say hurtful things.
- I choose whether to take other people’s put downs or not.
- I protect myself from the negative energy of others.
- I keep their bad feelings out of my heart.
- I can put up my shield to keep myself away from negative words and names.
- I face negative energy with my Helper Words power. I let ugly words fall away.
- I’m a Teflon kid–put downs slide off of me!