Standing Up To Bully Behavior
Bully Behavior Curriculum Page 14
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D
What do you do when some bigger than yourself tries to hurt you?
What do you do when you see someone hurting a younger child?
What do you do when two of your friends start to fight? How do you keep the peace when others are upset?
It’s hard to stand up to scary situations but we have to do. We cannot stand by and see others getting hurt. We do not have to let others hurt us.
Helper Words for Children:
I can say what I feel. I can say who I am.
I say what I won’t stand for.
I speak up for what is right. I tell people how it is.
Helper Words To Say To Your Friend in Times of Conflict
Friends do things to help each other out. How can you help your friend now?
How could you two practice peace right now?
What’s another thing you could do instead of yelling at each other?
I know you two are upset with each other. I know that you could work it out.
Notice how hot you are getting.
Are there some Helper Words you could say to cool yourself down?
Stop and think what you could tell yourself to build some peace inside.
What Helper Words could you use right now to give you some peace?