Egg Ons Are Turn Offs
Bully Behavior Curriculum Page 6
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D
Egg Ons are teasing and bothering behaviors that turn people off to liking you. Egg Ons or Turn Offs are behaviors that irritate the other person so that they do not want to play with you. Teasing words may cause others to hurt you. Egg Ons invite others to be mean to you:
“I’ll tease you until you get rough with me” or “I’ll be mean to you by teasing and you can be mean to me by hurting me or refusing to play with me.”
Some Egg Ons are done to gain attention or as a way of acting tough.
Examples of Egg Ons:
- Jim says, “Oh yeah?” after Joe threatens to beat him up.
- You are tired and hungry. You get angry and call your sister stupid.
- Mary teases her big brother to get him to play. Her brother gets frustrated and hits Mary.
- Jeff likes Kathy and wants her to notice him. He bumps into her, grabs her pencil and teases her.
We are always responsible for making ourselves feel happy. Getting others upset and making people mad at you is not a way to feel good about yourself.
Helper Words:
- I feel good about stopping doing things that hurt others.
- I give up Egg Ons.
- When I want attention, I can ask for it.
- My mouth can get me in trouble or help me out.
- I stop myself from having a teasing attack.