The Better Way World
Bully Behavior Curriculum Page 4
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D
Here is a Bill of Rights for everyone.
_____The Right To Be Treated With Respect
_____The Right To Express Opinions
_____The Right To Be Listened To And Be Taken Seriously
_____The Right To Share Feelings
_____The Right To Say No
_____The Right To Live Without Fear Of Abuse
_____The Right To Make Mistakes And Learn From Them
_____The Right To Be Happy and Be Treated Fairly
_____The Right To Be Safe and To Expect That My Property Will Be Safe
_____The Right To Ask For What I Want And the Right To Know I Won’ t Always Get It!
Here are my responsibilities for making our world People Friendly.
_____ I have the responsibility to treat others with kindness and compassion.
_____ I have the responsibility to respect others as individuals.
_____ I have the responsibility to not treat others unfairly because they are fat or thin, tall or short, boy or girl, weak or strong, bigger or smaller or have a different color skin.
_____ I have the responsibility to make my home and school safe by not threatening others.
_____I have the responsibility to respect other people’s property.
_____I have the responsibility to learn about myself and practice self control.
_____I have the responsibility to own up to my actions which are harmful to others.
People make choices about how they act towards each other. People who hurt others forget that they have other choices. What would this world be like if everyone lived according to this Bill of Rights and Responsibilities? How would your school be different? What would be different at your house?