Thought Stoppage Halts My Beating Myself Up Thinking
Bully Behavior Curriculum Page 28
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D
Stopping Those Nasty Thoughts: Ugly words and nasty thoughts sometimes try to come into your brain. Use Thought Stoppage techniques to interrupt any thing you want to get out of your brain. Yell Stop! at yourself when you catch a negative thought such as You are dumb trying to stick around in your mind. You can interrupt thoughts that you do not like.
Type in your negative thoughts on your computer. Then use your delete button to make them go away. Or put them in a file and throw them in the trash.
Thought Stoppage Helper Words:
- I can’t control what comes into my brain, but I can decide what stays there!
- You ugly words get out of my mind. STOP!
- Wait a minute. That is stinking thinking. I’ll think about something else.
- I’m not going to give that thought free rent in my brain.
- I’ll send that thought right out of here.
- Cancel that thought. I’ll stamp CANCEL, CANCEL across my forehead!
- I’ll push the delete button on my brain computer and delete that thought!
You are responsible for you own thoughts. Where would you like to send your negative thoughts? Close your eyes and imagine your negative thoughts heading out. Draw a picture of you being in control and ordering your negative thoughts to go away to a safe place.
Helper Words for Children:
- I stop beating my self up with my words.
- I use only gentle and loving words with myself.
- I am responsible for the quality of the thoughts in my mind.
- I’m in charge of what goes in my mind.
- I’m in charge of what sticks around in my mind.
- I choose to have happy thoughts.
- I choose to have peaceful thoughts.
- I build peace when I have peaceful thoughts.