I Spy On My Own Thoughts and Behavior
Bully Behavior Curriculum Page 27
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D
The Detective Part of you does not make judgments; it just watches the action. It does not say good or bad or wrong or right. The Detective Part is neutral like a computer. It watches your thoughts and actions. It gives feedback so that you can make intelligent decisions. It shows you what you are thinking and doing so you can choose more healthy ways of responding. It helps you spy on internal feelings and impulses so we can make conscious choices.
Pretend to put your Detective Part up on the ceiling to spy on yourself. Ask this part to describe what you are doing: I’m sitting in the chair looking at the computer screen I see my hands typing and I’m thinking _____
Example: Watching What You Do When Mom Says Take Out the Trash
The Detective Part Watches Me Doing a Chore I Don’t Like. I feel angry about having to take out the trash. I drag my feet and walk slow. I sigh loudly and go to the kitchen. My shoulders are humped over. I pick up the trash. I say This is dumb. Why do I have to do everything around here? I carry the trash outside. I feel grumpy. I’m angry at my mother. I kick the trash can.
The Rest of Me Who Makes Good Choices: Wait a minute. I’m thinking Hot Thoughts. I’m cutting off my Common Sense. Why make this a big deal about this? I’ll make it easy on myself. I’ll get this over with in a hurry.