The Bony Finger of Blame
Bully Behavior Curriculum Page 26
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D
Some people can not take responsibility when they do something wrong. They say It’s not my fault. It’s their fault. They have a bony finger of blame that they point at someone else. The pointing finger of blame that finds blame in others is a habit.
As you grown older, you can feel good about accepting responsibility for your mistakes.
Ideas for You!
- Watch out for bony fingers!
- Don’t point your bony fingers at others or at yourself.
- Say what you did. Tell your own part.
- If you did something wrong, admit it. Feel good about being truthful.
- Think like a winner. You are a problem solver, not a blamer.
- Feel special inside knowing you can correct your own goof ups.
Helper Words for Children:
- I find that something in my brain that says it is not safe to look at my part of the problem.
- I take responsibility for what I did. Taking care of my own stuff makes me feel good.
- I own my own mistakes. I clean up my mistakes. I get my goof ups out!
- I can speak up and say what I did wrong. I feel good about admitting when I goofed up.
- I am a problem solver, not a blamer.
- Claiming responsibility equals feeling good.
Helper Words to Feel Good About Stopping Blaming
- I stop blaming others and myself.
- Blaming does not solve the problem.
- Blaming someone else only keeps me upset and angry.
- Blaming others is a way of not respecting others.
- Blaming myself is a way of not respecting myself.
- I tell my feelings and then try to work things out.
- I am a problem solver, not a blamer.