I Stop My Own Bully Behavior
Bully Behavior Curriculum – Page 1
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D
Bullying Behavior equals having a Mean Attack
_____ Hurting others with our mouth–saying mean things, name calling, threatening
_____ Hurting others with our feet–tripping, kicking
_____ Hurting others with our hands–pushing, hitting, tripping, name calling, rude remarks
My Helper Words Help Stop My Teasing or Mean Attack
- I stop and breathe when I feel the mean attack coming on.
- I remember that I have a choice here.
- I am not a person who feels good about teasing others.
- I am not a person who feels good about doing things to hurt others.
- I am a person who feels good about using my words.
- I can take care of myself and speak my feelings.
- I take a chill pill. I chill down my Ruff Tuff behavior.
- I’ll let the mean attack pass!
- Whew! I made it.
- I can feel good about myself.
- I’ll pat myself on the back!
- I treat others with caring and respect.
- That’s the way to help me feel good inside!!