- Publisher: Talk Trust & Feel Therapeutics
- Edition: Original
- Available in: Paperback & Kindle
- ISBN: ISBN-10: 0964216736, ISBN-13: 978-0964216730
- Published: September 1, 2003
People who are tuned into their Emotional Intelligence interpret and use their feelings to think and act appropriately meeting the needs of the social situation. Emotional Intelligence is said to be more important than IQ in becoming successful in today’s world. So how do you get children to learn Emotional Intelligence? Easy! You teach them! You can teach your child these important life skills by through these quick, easy activities that promote the skills. Help your child learn how to be well rounded and emotionally stable by learning these skills:
· Recognizing, acknowledging and labeling feelings
· Expressing feelings in safe and appropriate ways
· Releasing negative feelings quickly and safely
· Listening to other people’s upset feelings.
· Taking responsibility for misbehavior and mistakes
· Breaking into negative thinking and use self talk as cues for change