Cues to Teach a Child to Express Angry Feelings
Author: Lynne Namka, Ed. D.
- It is okay to be mad. Anger is an appropriate feeling to have when others hurt you.
- Angry feelings are part of being a human being. Be firm, fair and friendly to speak your mads.
- People are not to be hurt. Use your words instead of your fists.
- Work out your mads with your words.
- It is important that we be gentle with people. Be a people friendly person.
- People, animals and plants are not to be hurt. Treat all living things with respect.
- Make a good choice. Stop and think before you act.
- You can make a good choice when you are mad. Use your words!
- Know what sets you off. Know your hot spots and trigger points!
- Own your feelings! You are responsible for how you feel and act.
- Separate the Big Deals from the Little Deals. Problem solve Big Deals. Let go of Little Deals.
- You can’t have your own way all the time. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
- Chill out. You don’t have to get mad over every little thing. Be a cool dude!
- You can let go of your mads by talking about them and working them out.
- Tell someone when you are hurt. Find someone safe to talk to when you are upset.
- Let your anger go in safe ways. Use your words! You can work out your mads.
- Breathe when your mads come up. Blow those mads out!
- Don’t store anger in your body. Let it go. Talk it out. Tell someone about your mads.
- Let the mads go. Shake them out. You choose to feel good when you use your words.