Anger Management

And Those Mads, Bads and Grumpies…
Anger Management Tips and Techniques to Decrease Anger
Discover proven strategies for parents, teachers and counselors about discipline, parenting, bullying and divorce, lesson plans.
Anger Management Articles by Lynne Namka, Ed. D.
Do the mean awful angries keep creeping up on your family?
Life is tough sometimes. We all need a bit of inspiration to become our best and highest selves!
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I send out a short article weekly on psychology, personal OR spiritual growth. Or I may include one of my articles which has generated a lot of interest. Spiritual writings will be of a generic nature, not specific to any one religion and will focus on gaining peace and forgiveness.
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Anger Management Articles by Lynne Namka, Ed. D.
Remember, it is human to have anger.
It is what you do with it that counts!
Use our Anger Challenge every single day of the year
and help change the world by changing your life.
Like the great song says, “Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with Me.”
Do You Carry Your Mad Baggage Wherever You Go?
Check Out Our Ideas for Helping You with Your Mads, Bads, Angries and Grumpies!
Get Your Feelings Out Interactive Exercises